
just for kari

this entry is a shout out to my friend kari, who i recently discovered is a faithful life of liz blog reader! i love you, kari, and i wish you werent in paris! (that rhymes if you pronouce it the french way, kari and paris i mean). i mean, i am so glad you are having an awesome time, and loving it, but i miss you. keep having amazing adventures and learning languages and wandering parisian streets and all that wonderful stuff. and if something crappy happens, just remember...c'est la vie!

so, after a few weeks of feeling rather down in the dumps, God sent a couple good cheer-me-ups my way yesterday, for which i was exceedingly grateful. first, the infamous guiness guy returned to my place of employment yesterday, and this time, i actually talked to him! i went out of my way to make sure i talked to him, i wasn't letting the opportunity pass me twice. and we had a quite a lovely conversation as i sipped free beer and tried not to gag. i walked out of roth's with a perma-grin the size of texas, causing an entering customer to smile. then, the wonderful evening continued with a trip to the george fox theatre, my former place of employment, where i saw a ton of my old theatre peops who were excited to see me, which was awesome. i want to help with the next show, i miss it so much. i saw my wonderful friend marcie, and my friend mike who gives the best hugs ever, and i left happier than i've been in weeks. it was an oddly familiar happiness, as i was feeling it walking out of woodmar, down the back stairs, and into the winter cold like i did so many late nights in college.

"experience is the name we give to our mistakes." oscar wilde

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