
crap, i made it all up!

to spice things up, i will be beginning this entry with a quote, and an apology for the lack of posting lately. my job search is taking up most of my internet time.

me: it's not that i think you dont have issues, it's that i think you aren't in touch with your issues.

brian: and i think you create all of your issues.

this little exchange that brian and i had last night not only shows how well brian and i know each other, but it also brings to light the very fact that i do create a lot of issues. but heck, if i didn't, what the H would i write about in this blog?

i created a new issue last night when i realized that if something tragic were to happen to me (say, a kidnapping) no one would realize for atleast a few days. this troubling thought was brought on when nicole went "missing" last night, and brian went on a thorough search until she was located. i realized, i need a boyfriend for safety reasons! only a boyfriend (or a roomate) would realize if i was missing the same day that i went missing. it would take my friends, my family, and my work atleast a few days to become concerned, by which point i would surely already be dead. how comforting!

i am getting so sick of seeing those freaking plastic wrist bands everywhere. you know, the ones that first showed up as bright yellow "live strong" bracelets? now they are available in every color imaginable and every one and their mom has one on. what is so annoying to me about mass trends? i don't deny that i enjoy embracing certain trends, especially when it comes to fashion, but i like to think i pick the ones that not everyone is doing. i resisted getting a nalgene bottle for the longest time for this very reason. at fox, you practically had to have one to be admitted. but once i realized the practical joys of having a nalgene, i, too, became a sheep. what can i say? i drink a lot of water, they're freaking convienent! what is the practical purpose of the bracelets, i ask? crap, i just realized that they usually benefit a charity. but i ask you this...do the majority of people where them because they benefit charity, or because they think they are COOL?

okay, enough. my life lately has become consumed by searching for my dream job. i've found some amazing jobs to apply for, and i'm wondering why the heck i didn't research amazing internships when i was in college. damn, i was lazy. i still am, but i am throwing myself into this job search. the possibilities are so amazing! by summer, i could be anywhere...seattle, san francisco, new york...mcminnville. and meanwhile, i got a raise at roth's! heck yes, now i can afford to buy food!

the heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing: we know this in countless ways. blaise pascal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Liz - Just for the record, you are friggin' insane. Also, just for the record, I never 'wore' a Nalgene bottle. Also for the record, some of your farts are the smelliest this side of the Mississippi, as well as on the other side of the big 'M.'