so last night i leave work at midnight and start walking in the pouring rain the 10-15 minutes to the harvard square bus station. i was not happy about this, as i usually have my car. (no, i haven't sold it yet). i'm walking down the sidewalk in the dark feeling slightly apprehensive when i find myself praying "God, please protect me as I go home...I'm not in the mood to get attacked right now..." once i realized what i was saying, i found it quite humorous, as if i'm ever in the mood to get attacked. whenever i imagine getting attacked i like to think i could escape through sheer cleverness and a sudden outburst of physical strength and skill, but in reality i figure if i manage to escape it will be narrow and lucky. assuming i do have my pepper spray on me (which, by the way, you're supposed to get a permit to carry in massachusetts) i would have to rummage around in my purse for it while beating off my attacker, get it out of the little red leather case, turn the switch to spray mode, and finally aim and fire in my assailant's eyes. there is way to much margin for error in this scenario, which is why i think i should just keep my car.
by the time i reached my house last night i was so wet that even my underwear had managed to get wet ( i know what you're thinking, and ha ha, very funny) and my pant legs were soaked up to the knees. my vans were drenched as it is impossible to avoid every puddle on the crappy streets of boston when you are hurrying in the dark, and i was not happy. my brain was in a frenzy wondering why people wear warm, waterproof jackets in the winter but not warm, waterproof pants. i mean, i could walk around in snow pants and be quite comfy but i would not be socially accepted. don't people's legs get cold in the winter? and if i wear long johns under my jeans, i'll get steaming hot every time i go in a building. what's a poor, skeletal girl to do? i've pretty much decided that if i do end up not having a car in the winter here, i am going to have to wear a snow suit and snow boots. people can stare all they want, and i will glare back at them bitterly, wondering how on earth they are managing not to freeze.
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