
a few months ago, i was in a bookstore with a couple of friends laughing at self-help book titles, when i saw a book that seemed to encapsulate me perfectly. it was called quirkyalone, and as you'll see by the above photo, the moment was captured on film.

a few days ago, i was in the library, as i've developed an interesting habit of checking out way more books, movies, and cd's than i can possibly read/watch/listen to in the allotted amount of time you get to keep them. they're just all so pretty! anyway, i came across quirkyalone again and i picked it up. and, keeping with my habit, i took it home.

i started browsing through it today and it's pretty hilarious. the whole idea is to give a label to people like me, people who don't settle for mediocre relationships and try to believe that relationships aren't the key to happiness. we are strong, unique, independent women! we are quirkyalone! the author (sasha cagen) explains why she chose to fuse those two words into one big, yummy word, and i love what she has to say about being quirky: "Perhaps truly quirky people are the ones who don't have the option of camouflaging their individuality: they're just uncontrollably themselves."

my old youth pastor once told me, "you're not like 90% of people." i think he was calling me quirkyalone!

there are many other funny things in this book. if you think you're quirkyalone (and dudes can be quirkyalone, too), you should check it out. oh, you can be quirkyalone and in a couple. that's called quirkytogether! yeah baby!

one of my favorite anecdotes from the book is a list of "deal breakers (absurd or not-so-absurd reasons not to go out with someone):

1. emoticons 2. lewd text messages 3. baby talk 4. perfume/cologne 5. phone on the belt 6. wears 'bad shoes' 7. wears glasses 'because they make me look smart' "

i just think it's so hilarious because i really do find phones on the belt to be such a turn-off. i dated this guy once who had that fabric tube thingy that goes around your neck to hold your sunglasses, and it was very difficult to find him attractive once i saw him sporting it. it's like, "i'm sorry, are you 11?" another turn off for me is people who sign their emails in the same annoying way every time...for example, "fondly, steve." or "in his grip, todd." or "keep smiling, alan." it's like, "i'm glad smiling is important to you, but there's no need to shove your beliefs down my throat, dammit!"

i really did know a guy who signed "in his grip." and his name was todd. another former youth pastor...hmmm...


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