
right now

wearing thermals, cozy in my bed (red top, grey bottoms)

new art work hanging next to me on my wall (my most recent collage, which i will post here shortly, and a magazine clipping poem)

the poem says: you can bring last year and your cupcake girl. our next artsy wish is to be two. i like the way it speaks to me.

finished with my first semester of grad school as of today!

in love with the idea of being able to not study and write papers in my free time, instead, since its Christmas, i can spend all week making and buying and giving gifts! and this year i actually have an art area and sewing machine to aid me in this process.

so in love with sewing. i want to sew everything, and i want to use gold thread for all of it. i'm obsessed with gold thread.

downloading songs i've been meaning to download, one by one, and then listening to them again and again (namely stacy's mom by fountains of wayne...try it, you'll like it!)

going home to oregon on saturday. bracing myself for big changes at work. taking the time to pray for friends. loving the mild winter so far. happy and blessed with friends and family on two coasts and every where in between.

stacy's mom has got it going on...she's all i want, and i've waited for so long...stacy can't you see, you're just not the girl for me...i know it might be wrong, but i'm in love with stacy's mom!

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