

yesterday i was looking at my calendar and i noticed it said "first day of spring." i laughed out loud. i am sorry, but when it is 30 degrees outside and i still have to wear long johns under my pants, it is not spring. then i was looking at plane tickets, and i discovered it was 54 degrees in oregon yesterday! 54 beautiful, warm degrees! i take back what i said about oregon not having a mild climate anymore. that was before i moved to boston, where winter lasts for at least five months! i cant take it anymore, i tell you!

so i'm walking to the bus this morning, running late for class of course, and i notice it feels a hair warmer. we're talking two degrees here, but it's something. and the sky is a brillant shade of blue. the pink lenses on my sunglasses make it even bluer, but now i'm splitting hairs. but then, even though i was hauling down the street, i noticed something i couldnt make an excuse for: poking up out of the dirt behind someone's chain link fence, were crocuses! little, erupting flower buds, chirping at me that spring is here. the deadness of winter is finally ending.

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