
i miss oregon

today was my first day at my new job. it was weird. i think i'll like it eventually but i have everyone there telling me that the first few months will be weird. so my first few months in boston will be weird, and my first few months at my job will be weird...fun times! at this moment, i want to go home. but i dont at the same time. i just want my oregon friends and family. and i want instant joy here, but i know i have to earn it. it's a pretty lonely place. don't get me wrong, my roomates are rad and i am getting to know some cool people, but none of them are my best friends.

i hate the feeling that i am just waiting for something exciting to happen, something to entertain me. that seems dangerous. it takes time to set up a quality support system, to make a life for yourself in a new city. the problem is, at times it's not very fun.

1 comment:

LSL said...

how exciting that you're starting a new chapter. you must be so brave! transitions are hard. with jack johnson to guide you, you'll do fine. :) good luck.