
my mom wants to know what i want for christmas

last year, i made an interactive list with links to websites of really expensive things i knew none of my friends and family could afford. this year, i'm too lazy, and really, what's the point? plus, i'm trying to be quick about this, because i actually got up semi-early today, and there's lots of fun (art and sewing) and not fun (laundry and bill paying) tasks i would like to accomplish.

my grown up christmas list 2

1. gift card to barnes and noble. this is my college book store and would be quite helpful come the start of the term.
2. gift cards to...anthropologie, PAPER SOURCE, old navy, the gap, amazon.com, target, joann fabrics, itunes, h & m, jcrew, ikea...
3. long underwear
4. books!
the trial of true love by william nicholson
postsecret (there are two, either one is fine)
the history of love by nicole krauss
extremely loud and incredibly close by jonathan safran foer
found II
a new bible that is small and has some kind of clasp/closing device
quilt it kit by denyse schmidt
good, modern, sewing resource books (i don't want to make ugly curtains or shirts
with shoulder pads)
5. movies!
everything is illuminated
the shape of things
garden state
walk the line
the complete series of sex and the city (a girl can dream, right?)
6. renew my flickr pro subscription
7. a working polaroid camera and film (it doesn't have to be new)
8. world peace

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