

in the last six months, i have met and briefly dated two guys who were moving back to California.

once i start watching an episode of a crime drama or a reality show, i can't stop til the end.

since moving to boston, i have been in two car accidents, gotten one ticket, and been towed once, and bent my axle sliding into a curb in the snow.

my last two boyfriends were named matt.

even numbers from 0 to 10: i was born on 2.2.82. i graduated high school on 6.2.2000. i turned 20 on 02.02.2002. i am now 24.

i cant stop listening to the song "from california" by the new amsterdams.

i tend to naughty things when i go out dancing.

the only part of the paper i read is the living/arts section, aka the 'sidekick' in the boston globe.

my serious crushes from my junior year of high school through my sophomore year of college all had three-letter names (cam, jon, tim).

i'm obsessed with taking pictures of grafitti and stickers.

whenever i see something potentially interesting on the ground, i pick it up. if it is indeed interesting, i keep it. if not, i put it back where i found it.

if a song hurts my heart, i listen to it again and again. i like sad songs.

i stay up too late and hate getting out of my bed.

i have a chronic tardiness problem.

i buy cheap, super trendy flats from payless that i think are ugly two months later.

whenever i see a baby or toddler, i squeal, stare, and make funny faces at it.

when i get off work at midnight, i call my best friend brian to shoot the breeze. it's only 9 pm in oregon.

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